Saturday, October 16, 2010

Latino Heritage and Latino Heritage parade & jamaica

Latino Heritage is, to my knowledge, one of the very few organizations that was begat by a parade. Because of that you may be familiar with of our two logos.

Our organizational logo reflects the fine art of papel picado and is based on work done by local artist Liz Espinoza. It is a nod to our heritage, the arts, culture, and experiences of Latinos in the San Gabriel Valley.

The rose is ever present in Pasadena so we had to include it in our logo since our work has been so connected with that fine city.

Our children's logo is actually older than our organizational logo.
Remember the comment about the parade being the foundation of our organization? Well, the image of these young people were a part of our work from the start.

Those of us who worked on the very first parade wanted to be sure that the children that were in our logo carried some of the sense of how diverse we are as a community and how diverse we hoped our audience would be.

Over time we have come to use the parade and jamaica logo for program or projects that are directed toward children and papel picado logo for events more directed toward and adult audience.

Both logos represent a dedication to promoting knowledge of the Latino experience and history through cultural and educational programs and projects.

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