Monday, May 23, 2011

Vacation chores

Just around the corner - a trip to Yellowstone - so there is a lot of shopping to be done. Because I'm not used to a lot of outdoor trips there was a need to buy some things to make sure I don't freeze.

Here is the new shirt that was bought.

Wool, colorful, and just the right size. I also have some new boots for light hiking. And socks for the boots. Thermals that match are ready to be packed.

This next week I've some weeding to be done.

The house needs to be vacuumed. Pills set for critters.

And this little bit of paperwork to be done.



pasadenapio said...

Have a great time!

Latino Heritage said...

Thanks, we will. But there's stuff to be done. I know you know about all the writing and sharing that needs be done.