Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parade preparations continue...meanwhile at Villa Parke...

This image is blurry but seems totally appropriate. Diane Walker, who oversees both La Pintoresca branch and Villa Parke branch libraries is watching, Derek, while he presents new technologies that read out loud, present English reading and writing lessons, teaches English to those with a different native language and teaches for languages to English speakers. We had a chance to not only hear Japanese spoken, but were able to see the characters as the words were pronounced.

These tools will be available at La Pintoresca, Villa Parke and Central Libraries.
At the moment the picture was taken we were seeing how SARA allows a patron to listen to or read in large print materials that is placed on a device that looks like a tape recorder and sort of works like a scanner. Except that the read out can be in different voices, the images can have different sized font - based on need, and the pace can be set by the user.

Our exceptional library system, continues to embrace future technology and provide excellent service. So good, that 79% of Pasadenans have a library card and the Library Journal has given the system 4 stars for "exceptional response to patrons and superior customer service".

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